Project Status

The company is implementing a project to build a plastic waste recycling plant with a processing capacity of 25 000 tons per year in Sieradz.

We have all the valid decisions and permits required to start the construction.

REDCHEM's Mission

Our mission is to minimize the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment and to reduce its carbon footprint to the maximum extent.

REDCHEM's Vision

Our vision is to build additional plants for processing all plastic waste to completely eliminate the need for incineration and landfilling.


Our goal is to create the first model chemical recycling plant for plastic waste in Poland, which will be entirely energy self-sufficient.


Bioenergy Industry

Technological experience

Plastic Waste Cracking Industry

Technological experience

Petrochemical Industry

Legal and Environmental Experience

Get to know our team

Our team is built on four solid pillars

In 2019, we created a strong group of experts whose work resulted in a project ready for implementation. Our team consists of entrepreneurs, employees of petrochemical refineries, scientists and environmental advisors.
From Idea to Future Innovation in Chemical Recycling

REDCHEM’s History

Pyrolysis, the key thermal-catalytic cracking processThe thermal-catalytic process employs heat and catalysts to facilitate chemical reactions and is used in industries such as chemical production, petrochemicals, and recycling (e.g., pyrolysis and catalytic cracking). for plastic waste, has been advancing steadily over the years has been developing for years, going through phases of experiments and improvements. It now represents a key component of chemical recycling, aligning with the principles of the circular economy.
REDCHEM’s history in the context of milestone developments in thermal cracking in Poland:

First Pyrolysis Plants

The first pyrolysis plants for plastic and rubber waste are established in Poland and the first attempts at distilling pyrolysis oil are made.


Pyrolysis Plant in Pionki

In Pionki, a pyrolysis plant for plastic waste with a capacity of 400 kg/h operates at the Olmmer facility, and the first installation for condensation and distillation of hydrocarbon vapors is established.


Switch to Ecological Electric Heating

Olmmer switches from gas heating for the pyrolysis reactor to a more ecological electric heating system.



The first industrial pyrolysis plant in Poland with a capacity of 1.5 t/h, EcoHydroCarbon, is established, featuring their proprietary experimental system for the condensation of hydrocarbon vapors.


The original concept of the recycling plant in Sieradz

Invest Park Sieradz (the parent company of REDCHEM) created a working group that developed a proprietary concept for building a recycling plant in Sieradz based on detailed analyses.



Pyrolysis gains new significance as a key element of chemical recycling. REDCHEM is established to implement the recycling project in Sieradz.


Closing the Waste Loop

Leading petrochemical companies invest hundreds of millions of euros in pyrolysis oil purification plants, and the aforementioned EcoHydroCarbon is the first in Poland to successfully implement the EU Waste Hierarchy policy by avoiding incineration and closing the waste loop by selling liquid recyclate to chemical companies.


Construction of the REDCHEM plant

REDCHEM reaches maturity and begins work on the "financial assembly" for the construction of the plant.

Regranulat - produkt recyklingu mechanicznego
Surowiec przeznaczony do recyklingu mechanicznego
Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development


In accordance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, REDCHEM plans to operate by accepting lower-quality waste, similar to PRE-RDF. The company does not intend to make excessive profits from waste acceptance fees from municipal facilities, which currently amount to around 400 PLN per ton. From the second year of operation, REDCHEM, guided by principles of social responsibility and sustainable development, plans to introduce a procurement policy instead of a tendering system. The goal of this policy is to reduce waste management costs for local residents.
Our core value is to ensure the development of the economy while taking care of the planet and maintaining ecological balance by reducing CO2. We believe plastic is essential to our society in many key areas of life, but we also recognize that it is harmful to our environment and health. Our mission is to manage plastic waste in such a way that:

It does not enter the environment,

It is used to produce new, useful plastics,

The extraction of fossil fuels for its production is reduced, and thus CO2 emissions, the main component of greenhouse gases (GHG), are minimized.

In our activities, we are guided by expert opinions and the European Union’s agenda. Our strategy is based on directives such as the RED II Directive on renewable energy, the European Green Deal, and Fit for 55. An important fact emerging from these documents is the inevitable implementation of a very high tax for plastic producers for products that are not obtained from renewable sources such as waste.

About us

REDCHEM specializes in advanced technologies for processing post-consumer plastic waste.

KRS 0000978885
NIP 827-233-13-47
REGON 522577310


+48 515 781 333
+48 506 015 904


Zakładników 18,
98-200 Sieradz, Polska