Circular Economy

Circular economy schema
Key to the EU’s Circular Economy

Chemical Recycling

Chemical recycling is essential for a the circular economy, allowing even the most challenging waste to be converted into valuable raw materials. This approach reduces waste, decreases natural resource consumption, and supports the fight against climate change. As an advanced technology, chemical recycling plays a vital role in creating a future based on a circular economic model, where nothing goes to waste and every material can have a second life.

At the heart of our system is thermocatalytic cracking. This process enables us to convert the most challenging waste into hydrocarbons using high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment. These hydrocarbons are then further transformed in a catalytic process into valuable products, such as liquid recyclate. This high-quality recyclate (comparable to so-called virgin materialVirgin material for plastics primarily consists of crude oil and natural gas. These resources are processed into monomers, which are the fundamental components for the production of polymers—the main constituents of plastics.) is used as a premium feedstock in petrochemistry, where it can be refined into raw material for plastic production.
Płynny recyklat - produkt recyklingu chemicznego
Surowiec komunalny przed umyciem przeznaczony do recyklingu chemicznego
Where Does the Problem Lie?

Recycling of Mixed Plastic Waste

To date, companies have only collected well-sorted waste from municipal sorting facilities, as only these could be used in mechanical recycling. Municipal facilities sort plastic waste into various types—the most common being PE, PP, and PS. These are the plastics collected in yellow bags in many Polish households as part of selective collection.

Unfortunately, the sorting process generates residual waste in the form of mixed plastics. Based on data from Poland’s Central Statistical Office (GUS) and the Ministry of Climate and Environment, it is estimated that Poland produces 1.8 million tons of mixed plastic waste annually. This is a global issue, with chemical recycling being the only viable solution.

Currently, in Poland, mixed plastic waste, after being prepared into so-called PRE-RDF, is either sent to waste incinerators, fuels cement kilns, or, worse, is deposited in landfills. REDCHEM will put an end to this approach contravening EU’s Waste Hierarchy.

Circular Economy

ISCC+ Certification

At REDCHEM, we will process only waste materials certified under the ISCC+ certification.

The ISCC+ (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) is an international standard that confirms compliance with sustainability criteria and supports the circular economy.

About us

REDCHEM specializes in advanced technologies for processing post-consumer plastic waste.

KRS 0000978885
NIP 827-233-13-47
REGON 522577310


+48 515 781 333
+48 506 015 904


Zakładników 18,
98-200 Sieradz, Polska